
Time, space and security: I offer you a safe container and the opportunity to put yourself at the center of our attention in order to get in touch with yourself and know yourself better. You will encounter familiar and unfamiliar parts of yourself. You will realise that there is an “inner knowing”: you will understand that you can trust yourself and your body, enabling you to look at old patterns in a new way and sense new impulses to do things differently. As a body-oriented psychotherapist with psychoanalytic and trauma education, I invite you to try out these experiences within the safe frame of our relationship.




Time, space and security: I offer you a safe container and the opportunity to put yourself at the center of our attention in order to get in touch with yourself and know yourself better. You will encounter familiar and unfamiliar parts of yourself. You will realise that there is an “inner knowing”: you will understand that you can trust yourself and your body, enabling you to look at old patterns in a new way and sense new impulses to do things differently. As a body-oriented psychotherapist with psychoanalytic and trauma education, I invite you to try out these experiences within the safe frame of our relationship.


Body-oriented Psychotherapy

Body-oriented psychodynamic psychotherapy is based on the unity of body and psyche; both aspects take part in the origin and in the healing of symptoms.

Trauma Therapy

New neuroscientifically-grounded methods like Somatic Experiencing® (SE) and Neuroaffective Psychotherapy (NAPT) help alleviate shock and developmental trauma.

Psychoanalytic Therapy

The psychoanalytic therapy of C. G. Jung means entering into a lively, interactive and creative dialogue with the unconscious, enhanced through the exploration of dreams.

Authentic Movement

Authentic Movement is a self-directed form of movement which allows the experience of knowledge stored in the body as well as those less conscious parts of ourselves.


The things we discover for ourselves are the most important.

Pina Bausch

My Office

I work in a group office in a beautiful old building in Berlin Wilmersdorf-Charlottenburg.

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